By Arpita Sharma


There are decades where nothing happens; And there are weeks where decades happen

Vladimir llyich lenin

In political and geopolitical realm, every decade or century is written with a new milestone of twists and turns. With time passing in just a click we enter into the third decade of 21st century or the so-called era of ultra modernisation and high-speed globalisation. But as they say more the decades more the challenges, and not the usual challenges but first the global pandemic that took the world with shock and now increasing intensity of war like situations in various region of the globe.

Year 2019-2022 was marked up with global pandemic, decreasing global economy and increasing hunger worldwide. As the human kind barely survive all this the extreme war like situations in nodal countries of world create global havoc. Starting with classic Russia- Ukraine conflict followed by Armenia- Azerbaijan stressful situation to the newly emergent condition at Israel.

These all situations and lot more are taking place at various points of the globe, people involved in them are of different ethnicity and language, they all follow different culture some of them are developed ones while other are still developing but the common string that bind them together is the issue of ‘LAND’. War for extra piece of land is not new, in fact it is a traditional or ancient practice, different clans have always fought for land and all of this comes under conventional warfare system where the winner will get that land and all the essential resources attached with it.

For instance, the less spoken Nagorno-Karabakh region which became the bone of contention between Armenia and Azerbaijan lead to a long-term standstill between the countries, it is a southern Caucasus region which emerged after the split of the Soviet Union, last month this hilly area resulted in the mass movement of local inhabitants and mass number of killings in this conflict from the beginning.

Similar situation was seen last year in Russia-Ukraine war in which real number of soldiers and civilians from both side who lost their home, children and even life is much more than stated. And not to mention the current chaotic and deadly situation of Israel. These are just the tip of the iceberg to the surprise when some countries are rooting for their global power or technological advancement there are many other countries in 21st century like Lebanon, Syria, Myanmar which are currently going through civil war like situation, land stress, religion stress and even identity crisis.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace”.

The power of throne and land can make one blind towards the pain of others, to avoid this UN or United Nation was set up in 1945 as an international peace and security organisation, but unfortunately the news and instances have turned the table for global peace. It is really important for the leaders as well as youth of How peaceful, stress-free globe are we planning to pass on to our future generation?


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